E-mail on 1/12/15 – Tha-tha-tha-That’s All, Folks!

Unless I write next week, but I doubt that’ll happen.  Just bein’ realistic here.

Well hey!  So this last week was pretty bomb.  We did some hard core work with members.  Kaoma is a champion of champions and just hung out with us all day for two days.  One of those days we had an intercambio and my buddy Hermana Hassett came to play in Terrassa.  We saw huge miracles!  And we talked a little about how weird it’ll be to be home.  And well, our homecomings are the same day so that’s a bummer.  At least we’re friends and we know that.  She told me to just keep up the good work and make the week great.  So… we just got down to business.  To defeat the huns. (Disney Mulan reference . . . sing along)

Juana has a fecha for this week… it’s looking a little shaky because she hasn’t wanted to meet with us.  We’re praying for a miracle on this little lady.  Adrian just threw a hissy fit today because I told him we were too busy to pass by Tuesday or Wednesday and he said he was busy too and then hung up.  Children.  Victor has been working too much but got in contact with us to tell us he’s still excited about progressing.  Esther came to church on Sunday and we had a cita until an hour ago when she fired…. awkward.

BUT, we’ve been finding a lot of people lately.  Lots of great potentials!  We got quite a bit of help from a recently returned missionary, Juan Peroni.  He’s pretty great too!  He helps us out a lot with visits (for example he’ll be coming with us tonight and tomorrow night).  He comes from a fantastic Argentine family here.  I’ve decided I’m in love with his nephew… OH! I need to take a picture so you can see the little guy.  He’s like 2 and he’s beautiful and so cute!

Yesterday the missionaries taught the last two hours of church.  We focused on the Work of Salvation.  Elder Pisciotta/Johnson taught about sharing the gospel and the Book of Mormon with others.  Elder Johnson/Weight talked about retention and family history.  We taught about reactivation by doing your visits every month and about converting yourself.  It was really fun and I hope that it helps the ward see how great doing all this can be, how much progress can be made.  We were able to see immediate progress when an hermana drove us to visit one of the sisters on her list and another hermana gave us a reference to visit one of her friends.  Kinda incredible.

This week we are basically booked.  It’ll be stressful but all will go well!  We have a lot of people to baptize and to help progress in this beautiful gospel.  It’ll help me keep my mind of the inevitable.  Lots of “lasts” this week… last district meeting tomorrow, last noche del barrio, last English class, last coordination meeting, last Sunday… Woah.  But, I’m definitely suckering people into coming to all these things by using that as an excuse.  No shame.

The mission is incredible.  There are no words to describe it.  It’s an experience worth every pain and every penny.  If I went back in time and someone asked me to go on a mission, I would choose to do it again and again and again in a heartbeat.  Anyone who is considering going, go.  Anyone who has come back, remember what you learned and live it.  Don’t become the people you had to reactivate when you were a missionary.  Convert yourself to the only true gospel and enjoy the blessings the Lord wants to dote you with.  The path is set before us, we just need to look and live.

Hasta ver,

Hermana Durham

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